The wonderful image above of the Black woman holding a newborn still in its wonderfully-made vernix is the image all families deserve following their births. Be they Black, Indigenous, Brown, Asian, LGBTQ+ or white. All deserve that devoted, honest care at delivery and lovely outcome!
Checking out my website blog posts to see one very short one about fighting racism and several other, very generic, lifestyle hacks has me pretty disappointed! One wouldn’t think that I have a personal stake in this mess. They’d be so wrong! I’ve many friends who identify as LGBTQ+, Brown, Black, Asian American, Japanese American and Korean American. One young man lost his home last year to a fire and subsequent demolition as he couldn’t garner the support, financial and practical to repair the initial damage. Only a year or two before, he experienced the loss of a friend to police violence.
Another of my dear friends has posted too often of the sorrow from losing Black women friends far too young to be gone.
As I browse my end of the site, I find a lengthy post revealing much of my why. Written early last year, I suspect that I lost my nerve with the publishing. There's mention, after all, of abortion - mine, and other not so pleasant stuff. Must've figured it best to keep that shit off the books. Stupid. It needs to be spoken of in order to support others going through the same hell.
I printed this same piece with the intention to share it with others. Of course, this venue has a greater exposure potential. So, I've just now published the letter.